nonlin 1.5.2
A library that provides routines to compute the solutions to systems of nonlinear equations.
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nonlin_least_squares Module Reference

nonlin_least_squares More...

Data Types

type  least_squares_solver
 Defines a Levenberg-Marquardt based solver for unconstrained least-squares problems. More...


pure real(real64) function lss_get_factor (this)
 Gets a factor used to scale the bounds on the initial step.
subroutine lss_set_factor (this, x)
 Sets a factor used to scale the bounds on the initial step.
subroutine lss_solve (this, fcn, x, fvec, ib, err)
 Applies the Levenberg-Marquardt method to solve the nonlinear least-squares problem.
subroutine lmpar (r, ipvt, diag, qtb, delta, par, x, sdiag, wa1, wa2)
 Completes the solution of the Levenberg-Marquardt problem when provided with a QR factored form of the system Jacobian matrix. The form of the problem at this stage is J*X = B (J = Jacobian), and D*X = 0, where D is a diagonal matrix.
subroutine lmfactor (a, pivot, ipvt, rdiag, acnorm, wa)
 Computes the QR factorization of an M-by-N matrix.
subroutine lmsolve (r, ipvt, diag, qtb, x, sdiag, wa)
 Solves the QR factored system A*X = B, coupled with the diagonal system D*X = 0 in the least-squares sense.

Detailed Description


To provide routines capable of solving the nonlinear least squares problem.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ lmfactor()

subroutine nonlin_least_squares::lmfactor ( real(real64), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) a,
logical, intent(in) pivot,
integer(int32), dimension(:), intent(out) ipvt,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) rdiag,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) acnorm,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) wa )

Computes the QR factorization of an M-by-N matrix.

[in,out]aOn input, the M-by-N matrix to factor. On output, the strict upper triangular portion contains matrix R1 of the factorization, the lower trapezoidal portion contains the factored form of Q1, and the diagonal contains the corresponding elementary reflector.
[in]pivotSet to true to utilize column pivoting; else, set to false for no pivoting.
[out]ipvtAn N-element array that is used to contain the pivot indices unless pivot is set to false. In such event, this array is unused.
[out]rdiagAn N-element array used to store the diagonal elements of the R1 matrix.
[out]acnormAn N-element array used to contain the norms of each column in the event column pivoting is used. If pivoting is not used, this array is unused.
[out]waAn N-element workspace array.
This routines is based upon the MINPACK routine QRFAC.

Definition at line 737 of file nonlin_least_squares.f90.

◆ lmpar()

subroutine nonlin_least_squares::lmpar ( real(real64), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) r,
integer(int32), dimension(:), intent(in) ipvt,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) diag,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) qtb,
real(real64), intent(in) delta,
real(real64), intent(inout) par,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) x,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) sdiag,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) wa1,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) wa2 )

Completes the solution of the Levenberg-Marquardt problem when provided with a QR factored form of the system Jacobian matrix. The form of the problem at this stage is J*X = B (J = Jacobian), and D*X = 0, where D is a diagonal matrix.

[in,out]rOn input, the N-by-N upper triangular matrix R1 of the QR factorization. On output, the upper triangular portion is unaltered, but the strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle (transposed) of the matrix S.
[in]ipvtAn N-element array tracking the pivoting operations from the original QR factorization.
[in]diagAn N-element array containing the diagonal components of the matrix D.
[in]qtbAn N-element array containing the first N elements of Q1**T * B.
[in]deltaA positive input variable that specifies an upper bounds on the Euclidean norm of D*X.
[in,out]parOn input, the initial estimate of the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter. On output, the final estimate.
[out]xThe N-element array that is the solution of A*X = B, and of D*X = 0.
[out]sdiagAn N-element array containing the diagonal elements of the matrix S.
[out]wa1An N-element workspace array.
[out]wa2An N-element workspace array.
This routines is based upon the MINPACK routine LMPAR.

Definition at line 570 of file nonlin_least_squares.f90.

◆ lmsolve()

subroutine nonlin_least_squares::lmsolve ( real(real64), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) r,
integer(int32), dimension(:), intent(in) ipvt,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) diag,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(in) qtb,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) x,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) sdiag,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) wa )

Solves the QR factored system A*X = B, coupled with the diagonal system D*X = 0 in the least-squares sense.

[in,out]rOn input, the N-by-N upper triangular matrix R1 of the QR factorization. On output, the upper triangular portion is unaltered, but the strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle (transposed) of the matrix S.
[in]ipvtAn N-element array tracking the pivoting operations from the original QR factorization.
[in]diagAn N-element array containing the diagonal components of the matrix D.
[in]qtbAn N-element array containing the first N elements of Q1**T * B.
[out]xThe N-element array that is the solution of A*X = B, and of D*X = 0.
[out]sdiagAn N-element array containing the diagonal elements of the matrix S.
[out]waAn N-element workspace array.
This routines is based upon the MINPACK routine QRSOLV.

Definition at line 840 of file nonlin_least_squares.f90.

◆ lss_get_factor()

pure real(real64) function nonlin_least_squares::lss_get_factor ( class(least_squares_solver), intent(in) this)

Gets a factor used to scale the bounds on the initial step.

[in]thisThe least_squares_solver object.
The factor.
This factor is used to set the bounds on the initial step such that the initial step is bounded as the product of the factor with the Euclidean norm of the vector resulting from multiplication of the diagonal scaling matrix and the solution estimate. If zero, the factor itself is used.

Definition at line 49 of file nonlin_least_squares.f90.

◆ lss_set_factor()

subroutine nonlin_least_squares::lss_set_factor ( class(least_squares_solver), intent(inout) this,
real(real64), intent(in) x )

Sets a factor used to scale the bounds on the initial step.

[in]thisThe least_squares_solver object.
[in]xThe factor. Notice, the factor is limited to the interval [0.1, 100].
This factor is used to set the bounds on the initial step such that the initial step is bounded as the product of the factor with the Euclidean norm of the vector resulting from multiplication of the diagonal scaling matrix and the solution estimate. If zero, the factor itself is used.

Definition at line 68 of file nonlin_least_squares.f90.

◆ lss_solve()

subroutine nonlin_least_squares::lss_solve ( class(least_squares_solver), intent(inout) this,
class(vecfcn_helper), intent(in) fcn,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(inout) x,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out) fvec,
type(iteration_behavior), optional ib,
class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target err )

Applies the Levenberg-Marquardt method to solve the nonlinear least-squares problem.

[in,out]thisThe least_squares_solver object.
[in]fcnThe vecfcn_helper object containing the equations to solve.
[in,out]xOn input, an M-element array containing an initial estimate to the solution. On output, the updated solution estimate. M is the number of variables.
[out]fvecAn N-element array that, on output, will contain the values of each equation as evaluated at the variable values given in x. N is the number of equations.
[out]ibAn optional output, that if provided, allows the caller to obtain iteration performance statistics.
[out]errAn optional errors-based object that if provided can be used to retrieve information relating to any errors encountered during execution. If not provided, a default implementation of the errors class is used internally to provide error handling. Possible errors and warning messages that may be encountered are as follows.
  • NL_INVALID_OPERATION_ERROR: Occurs if no equations have been defined.
  • NL_INVALID_INPUT_ERROR: Occurs if the number of equations is less than than the number of variables.
  • NL_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR: Occurs if any of the input arrays are not sized correctly.
  • NL_CONVERGENCE_ERROR: Occurs if the line search cannot converge within the allowed number of iterations.
  • NL_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR: Occurs if there is insufficient memory available.
  • NL_TOLERANCE_TOO_SMALL_ERROR: Occurs if the requested tolerance is to small to be practical for the problem at hand.
This routines is based upon the MINPACK routine LMDIF.
Example 1
The following code provides an example of how to solve a system of N equations of N unknonwns using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
program main
type(vecfcn_helper) :: obj
procedure(vecfcn), pointer :: fcn
type(least_squares_solver) :: solver
real(real64) :: x(2), f(2)
! Set the initial conditions to [1, 1]
x = 1.0d0
! Define the function
fcn => fcn1
call obj%set_fcn(fcn, 2, 2)
! Solve the system of equations. The solution overwrites X
call solver%solve(obj, x, f)
! Print the output and the residual:
print '(AF5.3AF5.3A)', "The solution: (", x(1), ", ", x(2), ")"
print '(AE8.3AE8.3A)', "The residual: (", f(1), ", ", f(2), ")"
! System of Equations:
! x**2 + y**2 = 34
! x**2 - 2 * y**2 = 7
! Solution:
! x = +/-5
! y = +/-3
subroutine fcn1(x, f)
real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: x
real(real64), intent(out), dimension(:) :: f
f(1) = x(1)**2 + x(2)**2 - 34.0d0
f(2) = x(1)**2 - 2.0d0 * x(2)**2 - 7.0d0
end subroutine
end program
Describes an M-element vector-valued function of N-variables.
Defines a type capable of encapsulating a system of nonlinear equations of the form: F(X) = 0....
Defines a Levenberg-Marquardt based solver for unconstrained least-squares problems.
The above program returns the following results.
The solution: (5.000, 3.000)
The residual: (.000E+00, .000E+00)
Example 2
program example
implicit none
! Local Variables
type(vecfcn_helper) :: obj
procedure(vecfcn), pointer :: fcn
type(least_squares_solver) :: solver
real(real64) :: x(4), f(21) ! There are 4 coefficients and 21 data points
! Locate the routine containing the equations to solve
fcn => fcns
call obj%set_fcn(fcn, 21, 4)
! Define an initial guess
x = 1.0d0 ! Equivalent to x = [1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0]
! Solve
call solver%solve(obj, x, f)
! Display the output
print "(AF12.8)", "c1: ", x(1)
print "(AF12.8)", "c2: ", x(2)
print "(AF12.8)", "c3: ", x(3)
print "(AF12.8)", "c4: ", x(4)
print "(AF9.5)", "Max Residual: ", maxval(abs(f))
! The function containing the data to fit
subroutine fcns(x, f)
! Arguments
real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: x ! Contains the coefficients
real(real64), intent(out), dimension(:) :: f
! Local Variables
real(real64), dimension(21) :: xp, yp
! Data to fit (21 data points)
xp = [0.0d0, 0.1d0, 0.2d0, 0.3d0, 0.4d0, 0.5d0, 0.6d0, 0.7d0, 0.8d0, &
0.9d0, 1.0d0, 1.1d0, 1.2d0, 1.3d0, 1.4d0, 1.5d0, 1.6d0, 1.7d0, &
1.8d0, 1.9d0, 2.0d0]
yp = [1.216737514d0, 1.250032542d0, 1.305579195d0, 1.040182335d0, &
1.751867738d0, 1.109716707d0, 2.018141531d0, 1.992418729d0, &
1.807916923d0, 2.078806005d0, 2.698801324d0, 2.644662712d0, &
3.412756702d0, 4.406137221d0, 4.567156645d0, 4.999550779d0, &
5.652854194d0, 6.784320119d0, 8.307936836d0, 8.395126494d0, &
! We'll apply a cubic polynomial model to this data:
! y = c1 * x**3 + c2 * x**2 + c3 * x + c4
f = x(1) * xp**3 + x(2) * xp**2 + x(3) * xp + x(4) - yp
! For reference, the data was generated by adding random errors to
! the following polynomial: y = x**3 - 0.3 * x**2 + 1.2 * x + 0.3
end subroutine
end program
The above program returns the following results.
c1: 1.06476276
c2: -0.12232029
c3: 0.44661345
c4: 1.18661422
Max Residual: 0.50636
See Also

Definition at line 236 of file nonlin_least_squares.f90.