nonlin 1.5.2
A library that provides routines to compute the solutions to systems of nonlinear equations.
Cnonlin_polynomials::assignment(=) | Defines polynomial assignment |
▼Cnonlin_core::equation_optimizer | A base class for optimization of an equation of multiple variables |
▼Cnonlin_optimize::line_search_optimizer | A class describing equation optimizers that use a line search algorithm to improve convergence behavior |
Cnonlin_optimize::bfgs | Defines a Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) solver for minimization of functions of multiple variables |
Cnonlin_optimize::nelder_mead | Defines a solver based upon Nelder and Mead's simplex algorithm for minimization of functions of multiple variables |
▼Cnonlin_core::equation_solver | A base class for various solvers of nonlinear systems of equations |
Cnonlin_least_squares::least_squares_solver | Defines a Levenberg-Marquardt based solver for unconstrained least-squares problems |
▼Cnonlin_solve::line_search_solver | A class describing nonlinear solvers that use a line search algorithm to improve convergence behavior |
Cnonlin_solve::newton_solver | Defines a Newton solver |
Cnonlin_solve::quasi_newton_solver | Defines a quasi-Newton type solver based upon Broyden's method |
▼Cnonlin_core::equation_solver_1var | A base class for various solvers of equations of one variable |
Cnonlin_solve::brent_solver | Defines a solver based upon Brent's method for solving an equation of one variable without using derivatives |
Cnonlin_solve::newton_1var_solver | Defines a solver based upon Newtons's method for solving an equation of one variable. The algorithm uses a bisection method in conjunction with Newton's method in order to keep bounds upon the Newton iterations |
Cnonlin_core::fcn1var | Describes a function of one variable |
Cnonlin_core::fcn1var_helper | Defines a type capable of encapsulating an equation of one variable of the form: f(x) = 0 |
Cnonlin_core::fcnnvar | Describes a function of N variables |
Cnonlin_core::fcnnvar_helper | Defines a type capable of encapsulating an equation of N variables |
Cnonlin_core::gradientfcn | Describes a routine capable of computing the gradient vector of an equation of N variables |
Cnonlin_core::iteration_behavior | Defines a set of parameters that describe the behavior of the iteration process |
Cnonlin_core::jacobianfcn | Describes a routine capable of computing the Jacobian matrix of M functions of N unknowns |
Cnonlin_linesearch::line_search | Defines a type capable of performing an inexact, backtracking line search to find a point as far along the specified direction vector that is usable for unconstrained minimization problems |
Cnonlin_core::nonlin_optimize_fcn | Describes the interface of a routine for optimizing an equation of N variables |
Cnonlin_core::nonlin_solver | Describes the interface of a nonlinear equation solver |
Cnonlin_core::nonlin_solver_1var | Describes the interface of a solver for an equation of one variable |
Cnonlin_polynomials::operator(*) | Defines polynomial multiplication |
Cnonlin_polynomials::operator(+) | Defines polynomial addition |
Cnonlin_polynomials::operator(-) | Defines polynomial subtraction |
Cnonlin_polynomials::polynomial | Defines a polynomial, and associated routines for performing polynomial operations |
Cnonlin_core::value_pair | Defines a pair of numeric values |
Cnonlin_core::vecfcn | Describes an M-element vector-valued function of N-variables |
Cnonlin_core::vecfcn_helper | Defines a type capable of encapsulating a system of nonlinear equations of the form: F(X) = 0. This type is used to establish the system of equations to solve, and provides a means for computing the Jacobian matrix for the system of equations, and any other ancillary operations that may be needed by the solver |