convergence_info Derived Type

type, public :: convergence_info

Provides information regarding convergence status.



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
logical, public :: converge_on_gradient

True if convergence on the gradient was achieved; else, false.

logical, public :: converge_on_residual_parameter

True if convergence on the residual error parameter was achieved; else, false.

logical, public :: converge_on_solution_change

True if convergence on the change in solution was achieved; else, false.

integer(kind=int32), public :: function_evaluation_count

The function evaluation count.

real(kind=real64), public :: gradient_value

The value of the gradient test parameter.

integer(kind=int32), public :: iteration_count

The iteration count.

logical, public :: reach_function_evaluation_limit

True if the solution did not converge in the allowed number of function evaluations.

logical, public :: reach_iteration_limit

True if the solution did not converge in the allowed number of iterations.

real(kind=real64), public :: residual_value

The value of the residual error parameter.

real(kind=real64), public :: solution_change_value

The value of the change in solution parameter.

logical, public :: user_requested_stop

True if the user requested the stop; else, false.