Type | Location | Extends | Description |
anova_factor | fstats_anova | None | Defines an ANOVA factor result. |
array_container | fstats_types | None | Provides a container for a real-valued array. A practical use of this construct is in the construction of jagged arrays. |
binomial_distribution | fstats_distributions | distribution | Defines a binomial distribution. The binomial distribution describes the probability p of getting k successes in n independent trials. |
bootstrap_statistics | fstats_bootstrap | None | A collection of statistics resulting from the bootstrap process. |
chi_squared_distribution | fstats_distributions | distribution | Defines a Chi-squared distribution. |
convergence_info | fstats_regression | None | Provides information regarding convergence status. |
distribution | fstats_distributions | None | Defines a probability distribution. |
doe_model | fstats_experimental_design | None | A model used to represent a design of experiments result. The model is of the following form. |
f_distribution | fstats_distributions | distribution | Defines an F-distribution. |
iteration_controls | fstats_regression | None | Provides a collection of iteration control parameters. |
lm_solver_options | fstats_regression | None | Options to control the Levenberg-Marquardt solver. |
log_normal_distribution | fstats_distributions | distribution | Defines a normal distribution. |
mcmc_regression | fstats_mcmc_fitting | metropolis_hastings | The mcmc_regression type extends the metropolis_hastings type to specifically target regression problems. The problem is formulated such that the target distribution takes the form , where is a normal distribution with as the mean and the model variance, is determined by computing the variance for the current estimate of the model. |
metropolis_hastings | fstats_mcmc | None | An implementation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for the generation of a Markov chain. This is a default implementation that allows sampling of normally distributed posterior distributions centered on zero with unit standard deviations. Proposals are generated from a multivariate normal distribution with an identity covariance matrix and centered on zero. To alter these sampling and target distributions simply create a new class inheriting from this class and override the appropriate routines. |
multivariate_distribution | fstats_distributions | None | Defines a multivariate probability distribution. |
multivariate_normal_distribution | fstats_distributions | multivariate_distribution | Defines a multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution. |
normal_distribution | fstats_distributions | distribution | Defines a normal distribution. |
regression_statistics | fstats_regression | None | A container for regression-related statistical information. |
single_factor_anova_table | fstats_anova | None | Defines a single-factor ANOVA results table. |
t_distribution | fstats_distributions | distribution | Defines Student's T-Distribution. |
two_factor_anova_table | fstats_anova | None | Defines a two-factor ANOVA results table. |