module fstats_experimental_design use iso_fortran_env use fstats_errors use fstats_regression implicit none private public :: get_full_factorial_matrix_size public :: full_factorial public :: doe_fit_model public :: doe_evaluate_model public :: doe_model type doe_model !! A model used to represent a design of experiments result. The model !! is of the following form. !! !! $$ Y = \beta_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1 \\ i \neq j}^{n} \beta_{ij} X_{i} X_{j} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1 \\ i \neq j \neq k}^{n} \beta_{ijk} X_{i} !! X_{j} X_{k} + ... $$ integer(int32) :: nway !! The number of interaction levels. real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:) :: coefficients !! The model coefficients. type(regression_statistics), allocatable, dimension(:) :: stats !! Statistical information for each model parameter. logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: map !! An array denoting if a model coefficient should be included !! as part of the model (true), or neglected (false). end type interface doe_evaluate_model module procedure :: doe_evaluate_model_1 module procedure :: doe_evaluate_model_2 end interface contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_full_factorial_matrix_size(vars, m, n, err) !! Computes the appropriate size for a full-factorial design table. integer(int32), intent(in) :: vars(:) !! An M-element array containing the M factors to study. Each !! of the M entries to the array is expected to contain the !! number of options for that particular factor to explore. !! This value must be greater than or equal to 1. integer(int32), intent(out) :: m !! The number of rows for the table. integer(int32), intent(out) :: n !! The number of columns for the table. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! A mechanism for communicating errors and warnings to the !! caller. Possible warning and error codes are as follows. !! - FS_NO_ERROR: No errors encountered. !! - FS_INVALID_INPUT_ERROR: Occurs if any items in vars are !! less than 1. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i class(errors), pointer :: errmgr type(errors), target :: deferr character(len = 256) :: errmsg ! Initialization if (present(err)) then errmgr => err else errmgr => deferr end if m = 0 n = 0 ! Ensure every value is greater than 1 do i = 1, size(vars) if (vars(i) < 1) then write(errmsg, 100) "A value less than 1 was found at index ", & i, " of the input array. All values must be greater " // & "than or equal to 1." call errmgr%report_error("get_full_factorial_matrix_size", & trim(errmsg), FS_INVALID_INPUT_ERROR) return end if end do ! Process m = product(vars) n = size(vars) ! Formatting 100 format(A, I0, A) end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine full_factorial(vars, tbl, err) !! Computes a table with values scaled from 1 to N describing a !! full-factorial design. !! !! ```fortran !! program example !! use iso_fortran_env !! use fstats !! implicit none !! !! ! Local Variables !! integer(int32) :: i, vars(3), tbl(24, 3) !! !! ! Define the number of design points for each of the 3 factors to study !! vars = [2, 4, 3] !! !! ! Determine the design table !! call full_factorial(vars, tbl) !! !! ! Display the table !! do i = 1, size(tbl, 1) !! print *, tbl(i,:) !! end do !! end program !! ``` !! The above program produces the following output. !! ```text !! 1 1 1 !! 1 1 2 !! 1 1 3 !! 1 2 1 !! 1 2 2 !! 1 2 3 !! 1 3 1 !! 1 3 2 !! 1 3 3 !! 1 4 1 !! 1 4 2 !! 1 4 3 !! 2 1 1 !! 2 1 2 !! 2 1 3 !! 2 2 1 !! 2 2 2 !! 2 2 3 !! 2 3 1 !! 2 3 2 !! 2 3 3 !! 2 4 1 !! 2 4 2 !! 2 4 3 !! ``` integer(int32), intent(in) :: vars(:) !! An M-element array containing the M factors to study. !! Each of the M entries to the array is expected to contain !! the number of options for that particular factor to explore. !! This value must be greater than or equal to 1. integer(int32), intent(out) :: tbl(:,:) !! A table where the design will be written. Use !! get_full_factorial_matrix_size to determine the appropriate !! table size. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! A mechanism for communicating errors and warnings to the !! caller. Possible warning and error codes are as follows. !! - FS_NO_ERROR: No errors encountered. !! - FS_INVALID_INPUT_ERROR: Occurs if any items in vars are !! less than 1. !! - FS_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR: Occurs if tbl is not properly sized. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, col, stride, last, val, m, n class(errors), pointer :: errmgr type(errors), target :: deferr ! Initialization if (present(err)) then errmgr => err else errmgr => deferr end if ! Verify the size of the input table call get_full_factorial_matrix_size(vars, m, n, errmgr) if (errmgr%has_error_occurred()) return if (size(tbl, 1) /= m .or. size(tbl, 2) /= n) then call report_matrix_size_error(errmgr, "full_factorial", & "tbl", m, n, size(tbl, 1), size(tbl, 2)) return end if ! Process do col = 1, n stride = 1 if (col /= n) stride = product(vars(col+1:n)) val = 1 do i = 1, m, stride last = i + stride - 1 tbl(i:last,col) = val val = val + 1 if (val > vars(col)) val = 1 end do end do end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function doe_fit_model(nway, x, y, map, alpha, err) result(rst) use blas, only : DGEMM use ieee_arithmetic !! Fits a Taylor series model to the provided data. !! !! $$ Y = \beta_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1 \\ i \neq j}^{n} \beta_{ij} X_{i} X_{j} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1 \\ i \neq j \neq k}^{n} \beta_{ijk} X_{i} !! X_{j} X_{k} + ... $$ integer(int32), intent(in) :: nway !! The number of interaction levels. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The M-by-N matrix containing the M values of each of the N factors !! used to produce the results. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: y !! An M-element array containing the results from the M experiments. logical, intent(in), optional, target, dimension(:) :: map !! An optional array of the same size as beta that can be used to !! eliminate a parameter from the model (false), or keep a parameter !! in the model (true). If not supplied, all parameters will be assumed !! to be part of the model as if the array were filled with all true !! values. real(real64), intent(in), optional :: alpha !! The significance level at which to evaluate the confidence !! intervals. The default value is 0.05 such that a 95% !! confidence interval is calculated. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! A mechanism for communicating errors and warnings to the !! caller. Possible warning and error codes are as follows. !! - FS_NO_ERROR: No errors encountered. !! - FS_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR: Occurs if x and y are not properly sized !! relative to one another. !! - FS_MEMORY_ERROR: Occurs if there is a memory allocation !! error. !! - FS_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR: Occurs if nway is out of range, or if !! map is used to "turn off" all model parameters. type(doe_model) :: rst !! The resulting model. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, j, m, n, nparam, nfactors, flag logical, allocatable, target, dimension(:) :: nmap logical, pointer, dimension(:) :: mapptr real(real64) :: alph, nan real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:) :: coeffs, ymod, resid real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: xc, c, cxt type(regression_statistics), allocatable, dimension(:) :: stats class(errors), pointer :: errmgr type(errors), target :: deferr ! Initialization if (present(err)) then errmgr => err else errmgr => deferr end if if (present(alpha)) then alph = alpha else alph = 5.0d-2 end if m = size(x, 1) nfactors = size(x, 2) nan = ieee_value(nan, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) ! Input Checking if (nway < 1 .or. nway > 3) then call errmgr%report_error("doe_fit_model", & "The number of interaction levels must be between one and three.", & FS_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return end if ! Determine the parameter count nparam = 1 if (nway >= 1) nparam = nparam + nfactors if (nway >= 2) nparam = nparam + nfactors * (nfactors - 1) if (nway >= 3) nparam = nparam + nfactors * (nfactors**2 - 1) ! Set up the map parameters if (present(map)) then if (size(map) /= nparam) then call report_array_size_error(errmgr, "doe_fit_model", "map", & nparam, size(map)) return end if mapptr => map else allocate(nmap(nparam), stat = flag, source = .true.) if (flag /= 0) then call report_memory_error(errmgr, "doe_fit_model", flag) return end if mapptr => nmap end if ! Update the parameter count n = nparam do i = 1, nparam if (.not.mapptr(i)) n = n - 1 end do if (n < 1) then call errmgr%report_error("doe_fit_model", & "There must be at least one active model parameter.", & FS_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return end if ! Local memory allocations allocate(xc(m, n), c(n, n), cxt(n, m), coeffs(n), stat = flag) if (flag /= 0) then call report_memory_error(errmgr, "doe_fit_model", flag) return end if ! Create the design matrix call doe_design_matrix(nway, x, mapptr, xc) ! Compute the covariance matrix call covariance_matrix(xc, c, errmgr) if (errmgr%has_error_occurred()) return ! Solve the least-squares problem (N-by-1 result) call DGEMM("N", "T", n, m, n, 1.0d0, c, n, xc, m, 0.0d0, cxt, n) ! C * X**T call DGEMM("N", "N", n, 1, m, 1.0d0, cxt, n, y, m, 0.0d0, coeffs, n) ! (C * X**T) * Y ! Evaluate the model and compute the residuals ymod = matmul(xc, coeffs) resid = ymod - y ! Estimate parameter statistics stats = calculate_regression_statistics(resid, coeffs, c, alph, errmgr) if (errmgr%has_error_occurred()) return ! Update output rst%nway = nway allocate(rst%coefficients(nparam), stat = flag) if (flag == 0) allocate(rst%stats(nparam), stat = flag) if (flag == 0) allocate(rst%map(nparam), stat = flag, source = mapptr) if (flag /= 0) then call report_memory_error(errmgr, "doe_fit_model", flag) return end if j = 0 do i = 1, nparam if (mapptr(i)) then j = j + 1 rst%coefficients(i) = coeffs(j) rst%stats(i) = stats(j) else rst%coefficients(i) = nan rst%stats(i)%confidence_interval = nan rst%stats(i)%probability = nan rst%stats(i)%standard_error = nan rst%stats(i)%t_statistic = nan end if end do end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine doe_design_matrix(nway, x, map, c) !! This is an internal routine used to construct the design matrix for !! the DOE model of the following form: !! !! $$ Y = \beta_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1 \\ i \neq j}^{n} \beta_{ij} X_{i} X_{j} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1 \\ i \neq j \neq k}^{n} \beta_{ijk} X_{i} !! X_{j} X_{k} + ... $$ !! !! Up to a 3-way model is allowed. !! !! No error checking is provided. It is assumed the arrays are sized !! correctly. integer(int32), intent(in) :: nway real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x logical, intent(in), dimension(:) :: map real(real64), intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: c ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, j, k, jj, kk, m, n, np ! Determine the number of model parameters np = 0 do i = 1, size(map) if (map(i)) np = np + 1 end do ! Additional Initialization m = size(x, 1) n = size(x, 2) ! DC Term if (map(1)) then c(:,1) = 1.0d0 jj = 2 else jj = 1 end if ! Main Effect kk = 1 if (nway >= 1) then do i = 1, n kk = kk + 1 if ( cycle c(:,jj) = x(:,i) jj = jj + 1 end do end if ! Two-Way if (nway >= 2) then do i = 1, n do j = 1, n if (i == j) cycle kk = kk + 1 if ( cycle c(:,jj) = x(:,i) * x(:,j) jj = jj + 1 end do end do end if ! Three-Way if (nway >= 3) then do i = 1, n do j = 1, n do k = 1, n if (i == j .and. j == k) cycle kk = kk + 1 if ( cycle c(:,jj) = x(:,i) * x(:,j) * x(:,k) jj = jj + 1 end do end do end do end if end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function doe_evaluate_model_1(nway, beta, x, map, err) result(rst) !! Evaluates the model of the following form. !! !! $$ Y = \beta_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1 \\ i \neq j}^{n} \beta_{ij} X_{i} X_{j} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1 \\ i \neq j \neq k}^{n} \beta_{ijk} X_{i} !! X_{j} X_{k} + ... $$ integer(int32), intent(in) :: nway !! The number of interaction levels. Currently, this algorithm supports !! a maximum of three-way interaction. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: beta !! The model coefficients. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The M-by-N matrix containing the M values of each of the N factors !! at which to evaluate the model. logical, intent(in), optional, target, dimension(:) :: map !! An optional array of the same size as beta that can be used to !! eliminate a parameter from the model (false), or keep a parameter !! in the model (true). If not supplied, all parameters will be assumed !! to be part of the model as if the array were filled with all true !! values. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! A mechanism for communicating errors and warnings to the !! caller. Possible warning and error codes are as follows. !! - FS_NO_ERROR: No errors encountered. !! - FS_ARRAY_SIZE_ERROR: Occurs if beta and map are not properly sized !! relative to one another. !! - FS_MEMORY_ERROR: Occurs if there is a memory allocation !! error. !! - FS_INVALID_INPUT_ERROR: Occurs if nway is less than 1 or greater !! than 3. real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:) :: rst !! The resulting M-element array. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: m, n, nparam, flag logical, pointer, dimension(:) :: mapptr logical, allocatable, target, dimension(:) :: nmap class(errors), pointer :: errmgr type(errors), target :: deferr ! Initialization if (present(err)) then errmgr => err else errmgr => deferr end if m = size(x, 1) n = size(x, 2) ! Input Checking if (nway < 1 .or. nway > 3) then call errmgr%report_error("doe_evaluate_model_1", & "The number of interaction levels must be between one and three.", & FS_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR) return end if nparam = 1 if (nway >= 1) nparam = nparam + n if (nway >= 2) nparam = nparam + n * (n - 1) if (nway >= 3) nparam = nparam + n * (n**2 - 1) if (size(beta) /= nparam) then call report_array_size_error(errmgr, "doe_evaluate_model_1", "beta", & nparam, size(beta)) return end if ! Memory Allocations allocate(rst(m), stat = flag) if (flag /= 0) then call report_memory_error(errmgr, "doe_evaluate_model_1", flag) return end if ! Set up the map parameters if (present(map)) then if (size(map) /= nparam) then call report_array_size_error(errmgr, "doe_evaluate_model_1", & "map", nparam, size(map)) return end if mapptr => map else allocate(nmap(nparam), stat = flag, source = .true.) if (flag /= 0) then call report_memory_error(errmgr, "doe_evaluate_model_1", flag) return end if mapptr => nmap end if ! Process call doe_eval_engine(nway, beta, x, mapptr, rst) end function ! ---------- function doe_evaluate_model_2(mdl, x, err) result(rst) !! Evaluates the model of the following form. !! !! $$ Y = \beta_{0} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1 \\ i \neq j}^{n} \beta_{ij} X_{i} X_{j} + \sum_{i=1}^{n} !! \sum_{j=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1 \\ i \neq j \neq k}^{n} \beta_{ijk} X_{i} !! X_{j} X_{k} + ... $$ class(doe_model), intent(in) :: mdl !! The model to evaluate. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The M-by-N matrix containing the M values of each of the N factors !! at which to evaluate the model. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! A mechanism for communicating errors and warnings to the !! caller. Possible warning and error codes are as follows. !! - FS_NO_ERROR: No errors encountered. !! - FS_MEMORY_ERROR: Occurs if there is a memory allocation !! error. real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:) :: rst !! The resulting M-element array. ! Process rst = doe_evaluate_model_1(mdl%nway, mdl%coefficients, x, mdl%map, err) end function ! ---------- subroutine doe_eval_engine(nway, beta, x, map, y) ! Driver routine for "doe_evaluate_model" that performs the actual ! calculations but forgoes any error checking. This should not be exposed ! as part of the public API. integer(int32), intent(in) :: nway real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: beta real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x logical, intent(in), dimension(:) :: map real(real64), intent(out), dimension(:) :: y ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i1, i2, n ! Initialization n = size(x, 2) if (map(1)) then y = beta(1) else y = 0.0d0 end if ! Process if (nway >= 1) then i1 = 2 i2 = i1 + n - 1 call doe_eval_1(beta(i1:i2), x, map(i1:i2), y) end if if (nway >= 2) then i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + n * (n - 1) - 1 call doe_eval_2(beta(i1:i2), x, map(i1:i2), y) end if if (nway >= 3) then i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + n * (n**2 - 1) - 1 call doe_eval_3(beta(i1:i2), x, map(i1:i2), y) end if end subroutine ! ---------- subroutine doe_eval_1(beta, x, map, y) !! Evaluates the main effect term. !! !! $$ Y = Y + /sum_{i=1}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} $$ real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: beta !! The model coefficients for just this portion of the model. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The M-by-N matrix containing the M values of each of the N factors !! at which to evaluate the model. logical, intent(in), dimension(:) :: map !! The usage map corresponding to the model coefficients for just this !! portion of the model. real(real64), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: y !! On input, an M-element array containing the existing portion of the !! model. On output, this array is updated to include the main effects. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, n ! Initialization n = size(x, 2) ! Process do i = 1, n if ( cycle y = y + beta(i) * x(:,i) end do end subroutine ! ---------- subroutine doe_eval_2(beta, x, map, y) !! Evaluates the two-way interaction term. !! !! $$ Y = Y + /sum_{i=1}^{n} /sum_{j=1 // i /neq j}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} !! X_{j} $$ real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: beta !! The model coefficients for just this portion of the model. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The M-by-N matrix containing the M values of each of the N factors !! at which to evaluate the model. logical, intent(in), dimension(:) :: map !! The usage map corresponding to the model coefficients for just this !! portion of the model. real(real64), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: y !! On input, an M-element array containing the existing portion of the !! model. On output, this array is updated to include the two-way !! interactions. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, j, k, n ! Initialization n = size(x, 2) ! Process k = 0 do i = 1, n do j = 1, n if (i == j) cycle k = k + 1 if ( cycle y = y + beta(k) * x(:,i) * x(:,j) end do end do end subroutine ! ---------- subroutine doe_eval_3(beta, x, map, y) !! Evaluates the three-way interaction term. !! !! $$ Y = Y + /sum_{i=1}^{n} /sum_{j=1 // i /neq j}^{n} \beta_{i} X_{i} !! X_{j} $$ real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: beta !! The model coefficients for just this portion of the model. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The M-by-N matrix containing the M values of each of the N factors !! at which to evaluate the model. logical, intent(in), dimension(:) :: map !! The usage map corresponding to the model coefficients for just this !! portion of the model. real(real64), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: y !! On input, an M-element array containing the existing portion of the !! model. On output, this array is updated to include the three-way !! interactions. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, j, k, ii, n ! Initialization n = size(x, 2) ! Process ii = 0 do i = 1, n do j = 1, n do k = 1, n if (i == j .and. j == k) cycle ii = ii + 1 if ( cycle y = y + beta(ii) * x(:,i) * x(:,j) * x(:,k) end do end do end do end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module