module fstats_distributions use iso_fortran_env use ieee_arithmetic use fstats_special_functions use fstats_helper_routines use ferror use fstats_errors implicit none private public :: distribution public :: distribution_function public :: distribution_property public :: t_distribution public :: normal_distribution public :: f_distribution public :: chi_squared_distribution public :: binomial_distribution public :: multivariate_distribution public :: multivariate_distribution_function public :: multivariate_normal_distribution public :: log_normal_distribution real(real64), parameter :: pi = 2.0d0 * acos(0.0d0) type, abstract :: distribution !! Defines a probability distribution. contains procedure(distribution_function), deferred, pass :: pdf !! Computes the probability density function. procedure(distribution_function), deferred, pass :: cdf !! Computes the cumulative distribution function. procedure(distribution_property), deferred, pass :: mean !! Computes the mean of the distribution. procedure(distribution_property), deferred, pass :: median !! Computes the median of the distribution. procedure(distribution_property), deferred, pass :: mode !! Computes the mode of the distribution. procedure(distribution_property), deferred, pass :: variance !! Computes the variance of the distribution. procedure, public :: standardized_variable => dist_std_var !! Computes the standardized variable for the distribution. end type interface pure elemental function distribution_function(this, x) result(rst) !! Defines the interface for a probability distribution function. use iso_fortran_env, only : real64 import distribution class(distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. end function pure function distribution_property(this) result(rst) !! Computes the value of a distribution property. use iso_fortran_env, only : real64 import distribution class(distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The property value. end function end interface ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(distribution) :: t_distribution !! Defines Student's T-Distribution. real(real64) :: dof !! The number of degrees of freedom. contains procedure, public :: pdf => td_pdf procedure, public :: cdf => td_cdf procedure, public :: mean => td_mean procedure, public :: median => td_median procedure, public :: mode => td_mode procedure, public :: variance => td_variance end type ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(distribution) :: normal_distribution !! Defines a normal distribution. real(real64) :: standard_deviation !! The standard deviation of the distribution. real(real64) :: mean_value !! The mean value of the distribution. contains procedure, public :: pdf => nd_pdf procedure, public :: cdf => nd_cdf procedure, public :: mean => nd_mean procedure, public :: median => nd_median procedure, public :: mode => nd_mode procedure, public :: variance => nd_variance procedure, public :: standardize => nd_standardize end type ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(distribution) :: f_distribution !! Defines an F-distribution. real(real64) :: d1 !! The measure of degrees of freedom for the first data set. real(real64) :: d2 !! The measure of degrees of freedom for the second data set. contains procedure, public :: pdf => fd_pdf procedure, public :: cdf => fd_cdf procedure, public :: mean => fd_mean procedure, public :: median => fd_median procedure, public :: mode => fd_mode procedure, public :: variance => fd_variance end type ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(distribution) :: chi_squared_distribution !! Defines a Chi-squared distribution. integer(int32) :: dof !! The number of degrees of freedom. contains procedure, public :: pdf => cs_pdf procedure, public :: cdf => cs_cdf procedure, public :: mean => cs_mean procedure, public :: median => cs_median procedure, public :: mode => cs_mode procedure, public :: variance => cs_variance end type ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(distribution) :: binomial_distribution !! Defines a binomial distribution. The binomial distribution describes !! the probability p of getting k successes in n independent trials. integer(int32) :: n !! The number of independent trials. real(real64) :: p !! The success probability for each trial. This parameter must !! exist on the set [0, 1]. contains procedure, public :: pdf => bd_pdf procedure, public :: cdf => bd_cdf procedure, public :: mean => bd_mean procedure, public :: median => bd_median procedure, public :: mode => bd_mode procedure, public :: variance => bd_variance end type ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(distribution) :: log_normal_distribution !! Defines a normal distribution. real(real64) :: standard_deviation !! The standard deviation of the distribution. real(real64) :: mean_value !! The mean value of the distribution. contains procedure, public :: pdf => lnd_pdf procedure, public :: cdf => lnd_cdf procedure, public :: mean => lnd_mean procedure, public :: median => lnd_median procedure, public :: mode => lnd_mode procedure, public :: variance => lnd_variance end type ! ****************************************************************************** ! MULTIVARIATE DISTRIBUTIONS ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, abstract :: multivariate_distribution !! Defines a multivariate probability distribution. contains procedure(multivariate_distribution_function), deferred, pass :: pdf !! Computes the probability density function. end type interface pure function multivariate_distribution_function(this, x) result(rst) !! Defines an interface for a multivariate probability distribution !! function. use iso_fortran_env, only : real64 import multivariate_distribution class(multivariate_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The distribution object. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: x !! The values at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. end function end interface ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type, extends(multivariate_distribution) :: multivariate_normal_distribution !! Defines a multivariate normal (Gaussian) distribution. real(real64), private, allocatable, dimension(:) :: m_means !! An N-element array of mean values. real(real64), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: m_cov !! The N-by-N covariance matrix. This matrix must be !! positive-definite. real(real64), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: m_cholesky !! The N-by-N Cholesky factored form (lower) of the covariance !! matrix. real(real64), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: m_covInv !! The N-by-N inverse of the covariance matrix. real(real64), private :: m_covDet !! The determinant of the covariance matrix. contains procedure, public :: initialize => mvnd_init procedure, public :: pdf => mvnd_pdf procedure, public :: get_means => mvnd_get_means procedure, public :: set_means => mvnd_update_mean procedure, public :: get_covariance => mvnd_get_covariance procedure, public :: get_cholesky_factored_matrix => mvnd_get_cholesky end type contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function dist_std_var(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the standardized variable for the distribution. class(distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value of interest. real(real64) :: rst !! The result. ! Local Variables integer(int32), parameter :: maxiter = 100 real(real64), parameter :: tol = 1.0d-6 integer(int32) :: i real(real64) :: f, df, h, twoh, dy ! Process ! ! We use a simplified Newton's method to solve for the independent variable ! of the CDF function h = 1.0d-6 twoh = 2.0d0 * h rst = 0.5d0 ! just an initial guess do i = 1, maxiter ! Compute the CDF and its derivative at y f = this%cdf(rst) - x df = (this%cdf(rst + h) - this%cdf(rst - h)) / twoh dy = f / df rst = rst - dy if (abs(dy) < tol) exit end do end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! STUDENT'S T-DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! REF: pure elemental function td_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the probability density function. !! !! The PDF for Student's T-Distribution is given as !! $$ f(t) = \frac{ \Gamma \left( \frac{\nu + 1}{2} \right) } !! { \sqrt{\nu \pi} \Gamma \left( \frac{\nu}{2} \right) } !! \left( 1 + \frac{t^2}{\nu} \right)^{-(\nu + 1) / 2} $$. class(t_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The t_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Process rst = gamma((this%dof + 1.0d0) / 2.0d0) / & (sqrt(this%dof * pi) * gamma(this%dof / 2.0d0)) *& (1.0d0 + x**2 / this%dof)**(-0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + this%dof)) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function td_cdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the cumulative distribution function. !! !! The CDF for Student's T-Distribution is given as !! $$ F(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{t} f(u) \,du = 1 - \frac{1}{2} I_{x(t)} !! \left( \frac{\nu}{2}, \frac{1}{2} \right) $$ !! where $$ x(t) = \frac{\nu}{\nu + t^2} $$. class(t_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The t_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Process real(real64) :: t t = this%dof / (this%dof + x**2) rst = 1.0d0 - 0.5d0 * regularized_beta(0.5d0 * this%dof, 0.5d0, t) if (x < 0) rst = 1.0d0 - rst end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function td_mean(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mean of the distribution. class(t_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The t_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mean. ! Process if (this%dof < 1.0d0) then rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) else rst = 0.0d0 end if end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function td_median(this) result(rst) !! Computes the median of the distribution. class(t_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The t_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst ! Process rst = 0.0d0 end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function td_mode(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mode of the distribution. class(t_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The t_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mode. ! Process rst = 0.0d0 end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function td_variance(this) result(rst) !! Computes the variance of the distribution. class(t_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The t_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The variance. ! Process if (this%dof <= 1.0d0) then rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) else if (this%dof > 1.0d0 .and. this%dof <= 2.0d0) then rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_POSITIVE_INF) else rst = this%dof / (this%dof - 2.0d0) end if end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! NORMAL DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function nd_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the probability density function. !! !! The PDF for a normal distribution is given as !! $$ f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2} !! \left( \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} \right)^2 \right) $$. class(normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. rst = exp(-0.5d0 * ((x - this%mean_value) / this%standard_deviation)**2) / & (this%standard_deviation * sqrt(2.0d0 * pi)) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function nd_cdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the cumulative distribution function. !! !! The CDF for a normal distribution is given as !! $$ F(x) = \frac{1}{2} \left( 1 + erf \left( \frac{x - \mu} !! {\sigma \sqrt{2}} \right) \right) $$. class(normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. rst = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + erf((x - this%mean_value) / & (this%standard_deviation * sqrt(2.0d0)))) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function nd_mean(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mean of the distribution. class(normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mean rst = this%mean_value end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function nd_median(this) result(rst) !! Computes the median of the distribution. class(normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The median. rst = this%mean_value end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function nd_mode(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mode of the distribution. class(normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mode. rst = this%mean_value end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function nd_variance(this) result(rst) !! Computes the variance of the distribution. class(normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The variance. rst = this%standard_deviation**2 end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine nd_standardize(this) !! Standardizes the normal distribution to a mean of 0 and a !! standard deviation of 1. class(normal_distribution), intent(inout) :: this !! The normal_distribution object. this%mean_value = 0.0d0 this%standard_deviation = 1.0d0 end subroutine ! ****************************************************************************** ! F DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function fd_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the probability density function. !! !! The PDF for a F distribution is given as !! $$ f(x) = !! \sqrt{ \frac{ (d_1 x)^{d_1} d_{2}^{d_2} }{ (d_1 x + d_2)^{d_1 + d_2} } } !! \frac{1}{x \beta \left( \frac{d_1}{2}, \frac{d_2}{2} \right) } $$. class(f_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The f_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Process real(real64) :: d1, d2 d1 = this%d1 d2 = this%d2 rst = (1.0d0 / beta(0.5d0 * d1, 0.5d0 * d2)) * (d1 / d2)**(0.5d0 * d1) * & x**(0.5d0 * d1 - 1.0d0) * (1.0d0 + d1 * x/ d2)**(-0.5d0 * (d1 + d2)) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function fd_cdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the cumulative distribution function. !! !! The CDF for a F distribution is given as !! $$ F(x) = I_{d_1 x/(d_1 x + d_2)} \left( \frac{d_1}{2}, !! \frac{d_2}{2} \right) $$. class(f_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The f_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Process real(real64) :: d1, d2 d1 = this%d1 d2 = this%d2 rst = regularized_beta(0.5d0 * d1, 0.5d0 * d2, d1 * x / (d1 * x + d2)) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function fd_mean(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mean of the distribution. class(f_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The f_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mean. ! Process if (this%d2 > 2.0d0) then rst = this%d2 / (this%d2 - 2.0d0) else rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) end if end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function fd_median(this) result(rst) !! Computes the median of the distribution. class(f_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The f_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The median. rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function fd_mode(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mode of the distribution. class(f_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The f_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mode. ! Process if (this%d1 > 2.0d0) then rst = ((this%d1 - 2.0d0) / this%d1) * (this%d2 / (this%d2 + 2.0d0)) else rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) end if end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function fd_variance(this) result(rst) !! Computes the variance of the distribution. class(f_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The f_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The variance. ! Process real(real64) :: d1, d2 d1 = this%d1 d2 = this%d2 if (d2 > 4.0d0) then rst = (2.0d0 * d2**2 * (d1 + d2 - 2.0d0)) / & (d1 * (d2 - 2.0d0)**2 * (d2 - 4.0d0)) else rst = ieee_value(rst, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) end if end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! CHI-SQUARED DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function cs_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the probability density function. !! !! The PDF for a Chi-squared distribution is given as !! $$ f(x) = \frac{x^{k/2 - 1} \exp{-x / 2}} {2^{k / 2} !! \Gamma \left( \frac{k}{2} \right)} $$. class(chi_squared_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The chi_squared_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Local Variables real(real64) :: arg ! Process arg = 0.5d0 * this%dof rst = 1.0d0 / (2.0d0**arg * gamma(arg)) * x**(arg - 1.0d0) * exp(-0.5d0 * x) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function cs_cdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the cumulative distribution function. !! !! The CDF for a Chi-squared distribution is given as !! $$ F(x) = \frac{ \gamma \left( \frac{k}{2}, \frac{x}{2} \right) } !! { \Gamma \left( \frac{k}{2} \right)} $$. class(chi_squared_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The chi_squared_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Local Variables real(real64) :: arg ! Process arg = 0.5d0 * this%dof rst = incomplete_gamma_lower(arg, 0.5d0 * x) / gamma(arg) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function cs_mean(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mean of the distribution. class(chi_squared_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The chi_squared_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mean. ! Process rst = real(this%dof, real64) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function cs_median(this) result(rst) !! Computes the median of the distribution. class(chi_squared_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The chi_squared_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The median. ! Process rst = this%dof * (1.0d0 - 2.0d0 / (9.0d0 * this%dof))**3 end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function cs_mode(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mode of the distribution. class(chi_squared_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The chi_squared_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mode. ! Process rst = max(this%dof - 2.0d0, 0.0d0) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function cs_variance(this) result(rst) !! Computes the variance of the distribution. class(chi_squared_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The chi_squared_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The variance. ! Process rst = 2.0d0 * this%dof end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function bd_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the probability mass function. !! !! The PMF for a binomial distribution is given as !! $$ f(k,n,p) = \frac{n!}{k! \left( n - k! \right)} p^k !! \left( 1 - p \right)^{n-k} $$. class(binomial_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The binomial_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. This parameter !! is the number k successes in the n independent trials. As !! such, this parameter must exist on the set [0, n]. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Local Variables real(real64) :: dn ! Process dn = real(this%n, real64) rst = (factorial(dn) / (factorial(x) * factorial(dn - x))) * (this%p**x) * (1.0d0 - this%p)**(dn - x) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function bd_cdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the cumulative distribution funtion. !! !! The CDF for a binomial distribution is given as !! $$ F(k,n,p) = I_{1-p} \left( n - k, 1 + k \right) $$, which is simply !! the regularized incomplete beta function. class(binomial_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The binomial_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. This parameter !! is the number k successes in the n independent trials. As !! such, this parameter must exist on the set [0, n]. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Local Variables real(real64) :: dn ! Process dn = real(this%n, real64) rst = regularized_beta(dn - x, x + 1.0d0, 1.0d0 - this%p) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function bd_mean(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mean of the distribution. class(binomial_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The binomial_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mean. rst = real(this%n * this%p, real64) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function bd_median(this) result(rst) !! Computes the median of the distribution. class(binomial_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The binomial_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The median. rst = real(this%n * this%p, real64) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function bd_mode(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mode of the distribution. class(binomial_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The binomial_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mode. rst = (this%n + 1.0d0) * this%p end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function bd_variance(this) result(rst) !! Computes the variance of the distribution. class(binomial_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The binomial_distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The variance. rst = this%n * this%p * (1.0d0 - this%p) end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! MULTIVARIATE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine mvnd_init(this, mu, sigma, err) use linalg, only : cholesky_factor !! Initializes the multivariate normal distribution by defining the mean !! values and covariance matrix. class(multivariate_normal_distribution), intent(inout) :: this !! The multivariate_normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: mu !! An N-element array containing the mean values. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: sigma !! The N-by-N covariance matrix. The PDF exists only if this matrix !! is positive-definite; therefore, the positive-definite constraint !! is checked within this routine and enforced. An error is thrown if !! the supplied matrix is not positive-definite. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! The error handling object. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: n, flag class(errors), pointer :: errmgr type(errors), target :: deferr ! Initialization if (present(err)) then errmgr => err else errmgr => deferr end if n = size(mu) ! Input Checking if (size(sigma, 1) /= n .or. size(sigma, 2) /= n) then call report_matrix_size_error(errmgr, "mvnd_init", "sigma", n, n, & size(sigma, 1), size(sigma, 2)) return end if ! Store the matrices this%m_means = mu this%m_cov = sigma if (allocated(this%m_covInv)) then if (size(this%m_covInv, 1) /= n .or. size(this%m_covInv, 2) /= n) then deallocate(this%m_covInv) allocate(this%m_covInv(n, n), stat = flag) if (flag /= 0) go to 10 end if else allocate(this%m_covInv(n, n), stat = flag) if (flag /= 0) go to 10 end if if (allocated(this%m_cholesky)) then if (size(this%m_cholesky, 1) /= n .or. size(this%m_cholesky, 2) /= n) then deallocate(this%m_cholesky) allocate(this%m_cholesky(n, n), stat = flag) if (flag /= 0) go to 10 end if else allocate(this%m_cholesky(n, n), stat = flag, source = sigma) if (flag /= 0) go to 10 end if ! Compute the Cholesky factorization of the covariance matrix call cholesky_factor(this%m_cholesky, upper = .false., err = errmgr) if (errmgr%has_error_occurred()) return ! Compute the inverse and determinant call populate_identity(this%m_covInv) call cholesky_inverse(this%m_cholesky, this%m_covInv) this%m_covDet = cholesky_determinant(this%m_cholesky) ! End return ! Memory Error Handling 10 continue call report_memory_error(errmgr, "mvnd_init", flag) return end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function mvnd_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Evaluates the PDF for the multivariate normal distribution. class(multivariate_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The multivariate_normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: x !! The values at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: n real(real64) :: arg real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:) :: delta, prod ! Process n = size(x) delta = x - this%m_means prod = matmul(this%m_covInv, delta) ! prod = inv(sigma) * (x - mu) arg = dot_product(delta, prod) ! arg = (x - mu)**T * prod rst = exp(-0.5d0 * arg) / sqrt((2.0d0 * pi)**n * this%m_covDet) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine mvnd_update_mean(this, x, err) !! Updates the mean value array. class(multivariate_normal_distribution), intent(inout) :: this !! The multivariate_normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:) :: x !! The N-element array of new mean values. class(errors), intent(inout), optional, target :: err !! The error handling object. This is referenced only in the event that !! the size of x is not compatible with the existing state. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: n, nc, flag class(errors), pointer :: errmgr type(errors), target :: deferr ! Initialization if (present(err)) then errmgr => err else errmgr => deferr end if n = size(x) nc = size(this%m_means) ! Process if (.not.allocated(this%m_means)) then ! This is an initial set-up - just store the values and be done allocate(this%m_means(n), stat = flag, source = x) if (flag /= 0) then call report_memory_error(errmgr, "mvnd_update_mean", flag) return end if return end if ! Else, ensure the array is of the correct size before updating if (n /= nc) then call report_array_size_error(errmgr, "mvnd_update_mean", "x", nc, n) return end if this%m_means = x end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function mvnd_get_means(this) result(rst) !! Gets the mean values of the distribution. class(multivariate_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The multivariate_normal_distribution object. real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:) :: rst !! The mean values. ! Process integer(int32) :: n if (allocated(this%m_means)) then n = size(this%m_means) allocate(rst(n), source = this%m_means) else allocate(rst(0)) end if end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function mvnd_get_covariance(this) result(rst) !! Gets the covariance matrix of the distribution. class(multivariate_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The multivariate_normal_distribution object. real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rst !! The covariance matrix. ! Process integer(int32) :: n if (allocated(this%m_cov)) then n = size(this%m_cov, 1) allocate(rst(n, n), source = this%m_cov) else allocate(rst(0, 0)) end if end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function mvnd_get_cholesky(this) result(rst) !! Gets the lower triangular form of the Cholesky factorization of the !! covariance matrix of the distribution. class(multivariate_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The multivariate_normal_distribution object. real(real64), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rst !! The Cholesky factored matrix. ! Process integer(int32) :: n if (allocated(this%m_cholesky)) then n = size(this%m_cholesky, 1) allocate(rst(n, n), source = this%m_cholesky) else allocate(rst(0, 0)) end if end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! LOG NORMAL DISTRIBUTION ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function lnd_pdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the probability density function. !! !! The PDF for a log-normal distribution is given as !! $$ f(x) = \frac{1}{x \sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp{\left(- \frac{\left( !! \ln{x} - \mu \right)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right)} $$ class(log_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The log_normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. rst = exp(-(log(x) - this%mean_value)**2 / & (2.0d0 * this%standard_deviation**2)) / & (x * this%standard_deviation * sqrt(2.0d0 * pi)) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure elemental function lnd_cdf(this, x) result(rst) !! Computes the cumulative distribution function. !! !! The CDF for a log-normal distribution is given as !! $$ F(x) = \frac{1}{2} \left(1 + erf\left( \frac{\ln{x} - \mu} !! {\sigma \sqrt{2}} \right) \right) $$ class(log_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The log_normal_distribution object. real(real64), intent(in) :: x !! The value at which to evaluate the function. real(real64) :: rst !! The value of the function. rst = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + erf((log(x) - this%standard_deviation) / & (this%standard_deviation * sqrt(2.0d0)))) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function lnd_mean(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mean of the distribution class(log_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The log_normal distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mean rst = exp(this%mean_value + 0.5d0 * this%standard_deviation**2) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function lnd_median(this) result(rst) !! Computes the median of the distribution class(log_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The log_normal distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The median rst = exp(this%mean_value) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function lnd_mode(this) result(rst) !! Computes the mode of the distribution class(log_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The log_normal distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The mode rst = exp(this%mean_value - this%standard_deviation**2) end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function lnd_variance(this) result(rst) !! Computes the variance of the distribution class(log_normal_distribution), intent(in) :: this !! The log_normal distribution object. real(real64) :: rst !! The variance rst = (exp(this%standard_deviation**2) - 1.0d0) * & exp(2.0d0 * this%mean_value + this%standard_deviation**2) end function ! ****************************************************************************** ! SUPPORTING ROUTINES ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine cholesky_inverse(x, u) use linalg, only : solve_triangular_system !! Computes the inverse of a Cholesky-factored matrix. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The lower-triangular Cholesky factored matrix. real(real64), intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: u !! On input, an N-by-N identity matrix. On output, the N-by-N inverted !! matrix. ! To compute the inverse of a Cholesky factored matrix (L) consider the ! following: ! ! A = L * L**T ! ! (L * L**T) * inv(A) = I, where I is an identity matrix ! ! First, solve L * U = I, for the N-by-N matrix U ! ! And then solve L' * inv(A) = U for inv(A) ! Solve L * U = I for U call solve_triangular_system(.true., .false., .false., .true., 1.0d0, x, u) ! Solve L**T * inv(A) = U for inv(A) call solve_triangular_system(.true., .false., .true., .true., 1.0d0, x, u) end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure function cholesky_determinant(x) result(rst) !! Computes the determinant of a Cholesky factored (lower) matrix. real(real64), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: x !! The lower-triangular Cholesky-factored matrix. real(real64) :: rst !! The determinant. ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, ep, n real(real64) :: temp ! Initialization n = size(x, 1) rst = 0.0d0 ! Compute the product of the squares of the diagonal temp = 1.0d0 ep = 0 do i = 1, n temp = (x(i,i))**2 * temp if (temp == 0.0d0) then rst = 0.0d0 return end if do while (abs(temp) < 1.0d0) temp = 1.0d1 * temp ep = ep - 1 end do do while (abs(temp) > 1.0d1) temp = 1.0d-1 * temp ep = ep + 1 end do end do rst = temp * (1.0d1)**ep end function ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine populate_identity(x) !! Populates the supplied matrix as an identity matrix. real(real64), intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: x ! Local Variables integer(int32) :: i, m, n, mn ! Process m = size(x, 1) n = size(x, 2) mn = min(m, n) x = 0.0d0 do i = 1, mn x(i,i) = 1.0d0 end do end subroutine ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module