fplot 1.7.1
A Fortran library providing a convenient interface for plotting with Gnuplot.
Defines a 2D polar plot. More...
Public Member Functions | |
procedure, public | initialize plr_init |
Initializes the plot_polar object. | |
procedure, public | get_command_string plr_get_cmd |
Gets the GNUPLOT command string to represent this plot_polar object. | |
procedure, public | get_autoscale plr_get_autoscale |
Gets a logical value determining if the axis should be automatically scaled to fit the data. | |
procedure, public | set_autoscale plr_set_autoscale |
Sets a logical value determining if the axis should be automatically scaled to fit the data. | |
procedure, public | get_radial_limits plr_get_limits |
Gets the radial axis limits if autoscaling is inactive. | |
procedure, public | set_radial_limits plr_set_limits |
Sets the radial axis limits if autoscaling is inactive. | |
procedure, public | get_theta_start_position plr_get_theta_start |
Gets the position for theta = 0. | |
procedure, public | set_theta_start_position plr_set_theta_start |
Sets the position for theta = 0. | |
procedure, public | get_theta_direction plr_get_theta_direction |
Gets the theta direction. | |
procedure, public | set_theta_direction plr_set_theta_direction |
Sets the theta direction. | |
![]() | |
procedure, public | free_resources plt_clean_up |
Cleans up resources held by the plot object. Inheriting classes are expected to call this routine to free internally held resources. | |
procedure, public | initialize plt_init |
Initializes the plot object. | |
procedure, public | get_title plt_get_title |
Gets the plot's title. | |
procedure, public | set_title plt_set_title |
Sets the plot's title. | |
procedure, public | is_title_defined plt_has_title |
Gets a value determining if a title has been defined for the plot object. | |
procedure, public | get_legend plt_get_legend |
Gets the plot's legend object. | |
procedure, public | get_count plt_get_count |
Gets the number of stored plot_data objects. | |
procedure, public | push plt_push_data |
Pushes a plot_data object onto the stack. | |
procedure, public | pop plt_pop_data |
Pops the last plot_data object from the stack. | |
procedure, public | clear_all plt_clear_all |
Removes all plot_data objects from the plot. | |
procedure, public | get plt_get |
Gets a pointer to the requested plot_data object. | |
procedure, public | set plt_set |
Sets the requested plot_data object into the plot. | |
procedure, public | get_terminal plt_get_term |
Gets the GNUPLOT terminal object. | |
procedure, public | get_show_gridlines plt_get_show_grid |
Gets a flag determining if the grid lines should be shown. | |
procedure, public | set_show_gridlines plt_set_show_grid |
Sets a flag determining if the grid lines should be shown. | |
procedure, public | draw plt_draw |
Launches GNUPLOT and draws the plot per the current state of the command list. | |
procedure, public | save_file plt_save |
Saves a GNUPLOT command file. | |
procedure, public | get_font_name plt_get_font |
Gets the name of the font used for plot text. | |
procedure, public | set_font_name plt_set_font |
Sets the name of the font used for plot text. | |
procedure, public | get_font_size plt_get_font_size |
Gets the size of the font used by the plot. | |
procedure, public | set_font_size plt_set_font_size |
Sets the size of the font used by the plot. | |
procedure, public | get_tics_inward plt_get_tics_in |
Gets a value determining if the axis tic marks should point inwards. | |
procedure, public | set_tics_inward plt_set_tics_in |
Sets a value determining if the axis tic marks should point inwards. | |
procedure, public | get_draw_border plt_get_draw_border |
Gets a value determining if the border should be drawn. | |
procedure, public | set_draw_border plt_set_draw_border |
Sets a value determining if the border should be drawn. | |
procedure, public | push_label plt_push_label |
Adds a label to the plot. | |
procedure, public | pop_label plt_pop_label |
Removes the last label from the plot. | |
procedure, public | get_label plt_get_label |
Gets the requested plot_label from the plot. | |
procedure, public | set_label plt_set_label |
Sets the specified plot_label object. | |
procedure, public | get_label_count plt_get_label_count |
Gets the number of plot_label objects belonging to the plot. | |
procedure, public | clear_all_labels plt_clear_labels |
Clears all plot_label objects from the plot. | |
procedure, public | get_axis_equal plt_get_axis_equal |
Gets a flag determining if the axes should be equally scaled. | |
procedure, public | set_axis_equal plt_set_axis_equal |
Sets a flag determining if the axes should be equally scaled. | |
procedure, public | get_colormap plt_get_colormap |
Gets a pointer to the colormap object. | |
procedure, public | set_colormap plt_set_colormap |
Sets the colormap object. | |
procedure, public | get_show_colorbar plt_get_show_colorbar |
Gets a value determining if the colorbar should be shown. | |
procedure, public | set_show_colorbar plt_set_show_colorbar |
Sets a value determining if the colorbar should be shown. | |
procedure, public | push_arrow plt_push_arrow |
Pushes a new plot_arrow object onto the plot. | |
procedure, public | pop_arrow plt_pop_arrow |
Pops a plot_arrow object from the plot. | |
procedure, public | get_arrow plt_get_arrow |
Gets a pointer to the requested plot_arrow object. | |
procedure, public | set_arrow plt_set_arrow |
Sets a plot_arrow into the plot. | |
procedure, public | get_arrow_count plt_get_arrow_count |
Gets the number of plot_arrow objects held by the plot object. | |
procedure, public | clear_arrows plt_clear_arrows |
Clears all plot_arrow objects from the plot. | |
Public Attributes | |
real(real64) | m_minrad = 0.0d0 |
The minimum radius value - only applicable if m_autoscale is false. | |
real(real64) | m_maxrad = 1.0d0 |
The maximum radius value - only applicable if m_autoscale is false. | |
character(len=:), allocatable | m_thetastart |
The location for theta = 0. | |
character(len=:), allocatable | m_thetadirection |
The direction for theta. | |
![]() | |
logical | m_hastitle = .false. |
Has a title? | |
class(terminal), pointer | m_terminal => null() |
The GNUPLOT terminal object to target. | |
type(list) | m_data |
A collection of plot_data items to plot. | |
type(legend), pointer | m_legend => null() |
The legend. | |
logical | m_showgrid = .true. |
Show grid lines? | |
logical | m_ticsin = .true. |
Point tic marks in? | |
logical | m_drawborder = .true. |
Draw the border? | |
type(list) | m_labels |
A collection of plot_label items to draw. | |
integer(int32) | m_colorindex = 1 |
The color index to use for automatic line coloring for scatter plots. | |
logical | m_axisequal = .false. |
Determines if the axes should be scaled proportionally. | |
class(colormap), pointer | m_colormap |
The colormap. | |
logical | m_showcolorbar = .true. |
Show the colorbar? | |
type(list) | m_arrows |
A collection of plot_arrow items to draw. | |
Private Attributes | |
logical | m_autoscale = .true. |
Allow the plot to autoscale? | |
Defines a 2D polar plot.
Definition at line 7373 of file fplot_core.f90.
final |
Definition at line 7388 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::get_autoscale |
Gets a logical value determining if the axis should be automatically scaled to fit the data.
[in] | this | The plot_polar object. |
Definition at line 7434 of file fplot_core.f90.
virtual |
Gets the GNUPLOT command string to represent this plot_polar object.
[in] | this | The plot_polar object. |
Reimplemented from fplot_core::plot.
Definition at line 7423 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::get_radial_limits |
Gets the radial axis limits if autoscaling is inactive.
[in] | this | The plot_polar object. |
Definition at line 7456 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::get_theta_direction |
Gets the theta direction.
[in] | this | The plot_polar object. |
Definition at line 7508 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::get_theta_start_position |
Gets the position for theta = 0.
[in] | this | The plot_polar object. |
Definition at line 7481 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::initialize |
Initializes the plot_polar object.
[in] | this | The plot_polar object. |
[in] | term | An optional input that is used to define the terminal. The default terminal is a WXT terminal. The acceptable inputs are:
[in] | fname | A filename to pass to the terminal in the event the terminal is a file type (e.g. GNUPLOT_TERMINAL_PNG). |
[out] | err | An optional errors-based object that if provided can be used to retrieve information relating to any errors encountered during execution. If not provided, a default implementation of the errors class is used internally to provide error handling. Possible errors and warning messages that may be encountered are as follows.
Definition at line 7412 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::set_autoscale |
Sets a logical value determining if the axis should be automatically scaled to fit the data.
[in,out] | this | The plot_polar object. |
[in] | x | Set to true if the plot will autoscale; else, false. |
Definition at line 7445 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::set_radial_limits |
Sets the radial axis limits if autoscaling is inactive.
[in,out] | this | The plot_polar object. |
[in] | A | 2-element array containing the minimum and maximum limit values. |
Definition at line 7467 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::set_theta_direction |
Sets the theta direction.
[in,out] | this | The plot_polar object. |
[in] | x | The direction. It must be one of the following flags.
Definition at line 7520 of file fplot_core.f90.
procedure, public fplot_core::plot_polar::set_theta_start_position |
Sets the position for theta = 0.
[in,out] | this | The plot_polar object. |
[in] | x | The starting position. It must be one of the following flags.
Definition at line 7496 of file fplot_core.f90.
private |
Allow the plot to autoscale?
Definition at line 7376 of file fplot_core.f90.
real(real64) fplot_core::plot_polar::m_maxrad = 1.0d0 |
The maximum radius value - only applicable if m_autoscale is false.
Definition at line 7382 of file fplot_core.f90.
real(real64) fplot_core::plot_polar::m_minrad = 0.0d0 |
The minimum radius value - only applicable if m_autoscale is false.
Definition at line 7379 of file fplot_core.f90.
character(len = :), allocatable fplot_core::plot_polar::m_thetadirection |
The direction for theta.
Definition at line 7386 of file fplot_core.f90.
character(len = :), allocatable fplot_core::plot_polar::m_thetastart |
The location for theta = 0.
Definition at line 7384 of file fplot_core.f90.