fplot 1.7.1
A Fortran library providing a convenient interface for plotting with Gnuplot.
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fplot_core::terminal Type Referenceabstract

Defines a GNUPLOT terminal object. More...

Inheritance diagram for fplot_core::terminal:
fplot_core::plot_object fplot_core::latex_terminal fplot_core::png_terminal fplot_core::qt_terminal fplot_core::windows_terminal fplot_core::wxt_terminal

Public Member Functions

procedure, public get_window_width term_get_window_width
 Gets the width of the plot window.
procedure, public set_window_width term_set_window_width
 Sets the width of the plot window.
procedure, public get_window_height term_get_window_height
 Gets the height of the plot window.
procedure, public set_window_height term_set_window_height
 Sets the height of the plot window.
procedure, public get_command_string term_get_command_string
 Returns the appropriate GNUPLOT command string to establish appropriate parameters.
procedure, public get_plot_window_number term_get_plot_window_number
 Gets the targeted plot window number.
procedure, public set_plot_window_number term_set_plot_window_number
 Sets the targeted plot window number.
procedure, public get_title term_get_title
 Gets the plot window's title.
procedure, public set_title term_set_title
 Sets the plot window's title.
procedure, public get_font_name term_get_font_name
 Gets the name of the font used for text displayed by the graph.
procedure, public set_font_name term_set_font_name
 Sets the name of the font used for text displayed by the graph.
procedure, public get_font_size term_get_font_size
 Gets the size of the font used by the graph.
procedure, public set_font_size term_set_font_size
 Sets the size of the font used by the graph.
procedure(term_get_string_result), deferred, public get_id_string term_get_string_result
 Gets the GNUPLOT terminal identification string.

Public Attributes

integer(int32) m_windowwidth = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH
 The window width, in pixels.
integer(int32) m_termid = 0
 The plot window number.
character(len=gnuplot_max_label_lengthm_title = ""
 The plot window title.
logical m_hastitle = .false.
 Determines if a plot title is defined.
character(len=gnuplot_max_label_lengthm_fontname = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_FONTNAME
 The font used by the graph.
integer(int32) m_fontsize = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
 The size of the font used by the graph.

Private Attributes

integer(int32) m_windowheight = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT
 The window height, in pixels.

Detailed Description

Defines a GNUPLOT terminal object.

Definition at line 1197 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_command_string()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_command_string

Returns the appropriate GNUPLOT command string to establish appropriate parameters.

character(len = :) function, allocatable get_command_string(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The GNUPLOT command string.

Implements fplot_core::plot_object.

Definition at line 1271 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_font_name()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_font_name

Gets the name of the font used for text displayed by the graph.

character(len = :) function, allocatable get_font_name(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The font name.

Definition at line 1324 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_font_size()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_font_size

Gets the size of the font used by the graph.

pure integer(int32) function get_font_size(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The font size, in points.

Definition at line 1346 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_id_string()

procedure(term_get_string_result), deferred, public fplot_core::terminal::get_id_string
pure virtual

Gets the GNUPLOT terminal identification string.

Implemented in fplot_core::png_terminal, fplot_core::qt_terminal, fplot_core::latex_terminal, fplot_core::windows_terminal, and fplot_core::wxt_terminal.

Definition at line 1360 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_plot_window_number()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_plot_window_number

Gets the targeted plot window number.

pure integer(int32) function get_plot_window_number(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The plot window number.

Definition at line 1281 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_title()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_title

Gets the plot window's title.

character(len = :) function, allocatable get_title(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The title.

Definition at line 1303 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_window_height()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_window_height

Gets the height of the plot window.

pure integer(int32) function get_window_height(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The height of the plot window.

Definition at line 1247 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_window_width()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::get_window_width

Gets the width of the plot window.

pure integer(int32) function get_window_width(class(terminal) this)
[in]thisThe terminal object.
The width of the plot window.

Definition at line 1224 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_font_name()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::set_font_name

Sets the name of the font used for text displayed by the graph.

subroutine set_font_name(class(terminal) this, character(len = *) name)
[in,out]thisThe terminal object.
[in]nameThe name of the font. If no name is supplied, the name is reset back to its default setting.

Definition at line 1336 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_font_size()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::set_font_size

Sets the size of the font used by the graph.

subroutine set_font_size(class(terminal) this, integer(int32) sz)
[in,out]thisThe terminal object.
[in]szThe font size, in points. If a value of zero is provided, the font size is reset to its default value; or, if a negative value is provided, the absolute value of the supplied value is utilized.

Definition at line 1358 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_plot_window_number()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::set_plot_window_number

Sets the targeted plot window number.

subroutine set_plot_window_number(class(terminal) this, integer(int32) x)
[in,out]thisThe terminal object.
[in]xThe plot window number.

Definition at line 1292 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_title()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::set_title

Sets the plot window's title.

subroutine set_title(class(terminal) this, character(len = *) txt)
[in,out]thisThe terminal object.
[in]txtThe title.

Definition at line 1313 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_window_height()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::set_window_height

Sets the height of the plot window.

subroutine set_window_height(class(terminal) this, integer(int32) x)
[in,out]thisThe terminal object.
[in]xThe height of the plot window. If a value of zero is provided, the window height is reset to its default value; or, if a negative value is provided, the absolute value of the supplied value is utilized.

Definition at line 1260 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_window_width()

procedure, public fplot_core::terminal::set_window_width

Sets the width of the plot window.

subroutine set_window_width(class(terminal) this, integer(int32) x)
[in,out]thisThe terminal object.
[in]xThe width of the plot window. If a value of zero is provided, the window width is reset to its default value; or, if a negative value is provided, the absolute value of the supplied value is utilized.

Definition at line 1237 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_fontname

character(len = gnuplot_max_label_length) fplot_core::terminal::m_fontname = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_FONTNAME

The font used by the graph.

Definition at line 1210 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_fontsize

integer(int32) fplot_core::terminal::m_fontsize = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE

The size of the font used by the graph.

Definition at line 1213 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_hastitle

logical fplot_core::terminal::m_hastitle = .false.

Determines if a plot title is defined.

Definition at line 1208 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_termid

integer(int32) fplot_core::terminal::m_termid = 0

The plot window number.

Definition at line 1204 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_title

character(len = gnuplot_max_label_length) fplot_core::terminal::m_title = ""

The plot window title.

Definition at line 1206 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_windowheight

integer(int32) fplot_core::terminal::m_windowheight = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT

The window height, in pixels.

Definition at line 1200 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_windowwidth

integer(int32) fplot_core::terminal::m_windowwidth = GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH

The window width, in pixels.

Definition at line 1202 of file fplot_core.f90.

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