fplot 1.7.1
A Fortran library providing a convenient interface for plotting with Gnuplot.
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fplot_core::plot_data_colored Type Reference

Defines a plot_data based object best represented by a color. More...

Inheritance diagram for fplot_core::plot_data_colored:
fplot_core::plot_data fplot_core::plot_object fplot_core::filled_plot_data fplot_core::plot_data_bar fplot_core::plot_data_error_bars fplot_core::plot_data_tri_2d fplot_core::scatter_plot_data fplot_core::vector_field_plot_data fplot_core::plot_data_histogram fplot_core::plot_data_2d fplot_core::plot_data_3d

Public Member Functions

procedure, public get_line_color pdc_get_line_color
 Gets the line color.
procedure, public set_line_color pdc_set_line_color
 Sets the line color.
- Public Member Functions inherited from fplot_core::plot_data
procedure, public get_name pd_get_name
 Gets the name to associate with this data set.
procedure, public set_name pd_set_name
 Sets the name to associate with this data set.
procedure(pd_get_string_result), deferred, public get_data_string pd_get_string_result
 Gets the GNUPLOT command string containing the actual data to plot.
- Public Member Functions inherited from fplot_core::plot_object
procedure(get_string_result), deferred, public get_command_string get_string_result
 Returns the appropriate GNUPLOT command string to define the plot object properties.

Public Attributes

logical m_useautocolor = .true.
 Let the object choose colors automatically.
integer(int32) m_colorindex = 1
 The color index to use, assuming we're using auto color.

Private Member Functions

procedure, private get_color_index pdc_get_color_index
procedure, private set_color_index pdc_set_color_index

Private Attributes

type(colorm_color = CLR_BLUE
 The line color.

Detailed Description

Defines a plot_data based object best represented by a color.

Definition at line 1723 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_color_index()

procedure, private fplot_core::plot_data_colored::get_color_index

Definition at line 1752 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_line_color()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_data_colored::get_line_color

Gets the line color.

pure type(color) function get_line_color(class(plot_data_colored) this)
[in]thisThe plot_data_colored instance.
The color.

Definition at line 1741 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_color_index()

procedure, private fplot_core::plot_data_colored::set_color_index

Definition at line 1753 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_line_color()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_data_colored::set_line_color

Sets the line color.

subroutine set_line_color(class(plot_data_colored) this, type(color) x)
[in,out]thisThe plot_data_colored instance.
[in]xThe color.

Definition at line 1751 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_color

type(color) fplot_core::plot_data_colored::m_color = CLR_BLUE

The line color.

Definition at line 1726 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_colorindex

integer(int32) fplot_core::plot_data_colored::m_colorindex = 1

The color index to use, assuming we're using auto color.

Definition at line 1730 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_useautocolor

logical fplot_core::plot_data_colored::m_useautocolor = .true.

Let the object choose colors automatically.

Definition at line 1728 of file fplot_core.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: