fplot 1.7.1
A Fortran library providing a convenient interface for plotting with Gnuplot.
No Matches
fplot_core::color Type Reference

Constructs a linearly spaced array. More...

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass, public to_hex_string clr_to_hex_string
 Returns the color in hexadecimal format.
procedure, pass, public copy_from clr_copy_from
 Copies another color to this color.

Public Attributes

integer(int32), public red = 0
 The red component of the color (must be between 0 and 255).
integer(int32), public green = 0
 The green component of the color (must be between 0 and 255).
integer(int32), public blue = 255
 The blue component of the color (must be between 0 and 255).

Detailed Description

Constructs a linearly spaced array.

[in]startThe first value in the array.
[in]finishThe last value in the array.
[in]nptsThe number of values in the array.
The resulting array.

Construcst a logarithmically spaced array.

[in]startThe exponent of the first value in the array.
[in]finishThe exponent of the final value in the array.
[in]nptsThe number of values in the array.
The resulting array.

Constructs two matrices (X and Y) from x and y data arrays.

[in]xAn M-element array of x data points.
[in]yAn N-element array of y data points.
An N-by-M-by-2 array containing the x data matrix on the first page of the array, and the y data matrix on the second page.

Describes an RGB color.

Definition at line 358 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ copy_from()

procedure, pass, public fplot_core::color::copy_from

Copies another color to this color.

subroutine copy_from(class(color) this, class(color) clr)
[in,out]thisThe color object.
[in]clrThe color to copy.

Definition at line 385 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ to_hex_string()

procedure, pass, public fplot_core::color::to_hex_string

Returns the color in hexadecimal format.

pure character(6) function clr_to_hex_string(class(color) this)
[in]thisThe color object.
A string containing the hexadecimal equivalent.

Definition at line 375 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ blue

integer(int32), public fplot_core::color::blue = 255

The blue component of the color (must be between 0 and 255).

Definition at line 364 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ green

integer(int32), public fplot_core::color::green = 0

The green component of the color (must be between 0 and 255).

Definition at line 362 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ red

integer(int32), public fplot_core::color::red = 0

The red component of the color (must be between 0 and 255).

Definition at line 360 of file fplot_core.f90.

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