fplot 1.7.1
A Fortran library providing a convenient interface for plotting with Gnuplot.
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fplot_core::plot_3d Type Reference

A plot object defining a 3D plot. More...

Inheritance diagram for fplot_core::plot_3d:
fplot_core::plot fplot_core::plot_object fplot_core::surface_plot

Public Member Functions

final p3d_clean_up p3d_clean_up
 Cleans up resources held by the plot_3d object.
procedure, public initialize p3d_init
 Initializes the plot_3d object.
procedure, public get_command_string p3d_get_cmd
 Gets the GNUPLOT command string to represent this plot_3d object.
procedure, public get_x_axis p3d_get_x_axis
 Gets the x-axis object.
procedure, public get_y_axis p3d_get_y_axis
 Gets the y-axis object.
procedure, public get_z_axis p3d_get_z_axis
 Gets the z-axis object.
procedure, public get_elevation p3d_get_elevation
 Gets the plot elevation angle.
procedure, public set_elevation p3d_set_elevation
 Sets the plot elevation angle.
procedure, public get_azimuth p3d_get_azimuth
 Gets the plot azimuth angle.
procedure, public set_azimuth p3d_set_azimuth
 Sets the plot azimuth angle.
procedure, public get_z_intersect_xy p3d_get_z_axis_intersect
 Gets a value determining if the z-axis should intersect the x-y plane.
procedure, public set_z_intersect_xy p3d_set_z_axis_intersect
 Sets a value determining if the z-axis should intersect the x-y plane.
procedure, public get_use_map_view p3d_get_use_map_view
 Gets a value determining if the view should be set to a 2D map view. If true, the azimuth and elevation terms are ignored.
procedure, public set_use_map_view p3d_set_use_map_view
 Sets a value determining if the view should be set to a 2D map view. If true, the azimuth and elevation terms are ignored.
procedure, public get_coordinate_system p3d_get_csys
 Gets a value determining the coordinate system.
procedure, public set_coordinate_system p3d_set_csys
 Sets a value determining the coordinate system.
- Public Member Functions inherited from fplot_core::plot
procedure, public free_resources plt_clean_up
 Cleans up resources held by the plot object. Inheriting classes are expected to call this routine to free internally held resources.
procedure, public initialize plt_init
 Initializes the plot object.
procedure, public get_title plt_get_title
 Gets the plot's title.
procedure, public set_title plt_set_title
 Sets the plot's title.
procedure, public is_title_defined plt_has_title
 Gets a value determining if a title has been defined for the plot object.
procedure, public get_legend plt_get_legend
 Gets the plot's legend object.
procedure, public get_count plt_get_count
 Gets the number of stored plot_data objects.
procedure, public push plt_push_data
 Pushes a plot_data object onto the stack.
procedure, public pop plt_pop_data
 Pops the last plot_data object from the stack.
procedure, public clear_all plt_clear_all
 Removes all plot_data objects from the plot.
procedure, public get plt_get
 Gets a pointer to the requested plot_data object.
procedure, public set plt_set
 Sets the requested plot_data object into the plot.
procedure, public get_terminal plt_get_term
 Gets the GNUPLOT terminal object.
procedure, public get_show_gridlines plt_get_show_grid
 Gets a flag determining if the grid lines should be shown.
procedure, public set_show_gridlines plt_set_show_grid
 Sets a flag determining if the grid lines should be shown.
procedure, public draw plt_draw
 Launches GNUPLOT and draws the plot per the current state of the command list.
procedure, public save_file plt_save
 Saves a GNUPLOT command file.
procedure, public get_font_name plt_get_font
 Gets the name of the font used for plot text.
procedure, public set_font_name plt_set_font
 Sets the name of the font used for plot text.
procedure, public get_font_size plt_get_font_size
 Gets the size of the font used by the plot.
procedure, public set_font_size plt_set_font_size
 Sets the size of the font used by the plot.
procedure, public get_tics_inward plt_get_tics_in
 Gets a value determining if the axis tic marks should point inwards.
procedure, public set_tics_inward plt_set_tics_in
 Sets a value determining if the axis tic marks should point inwards.
procedure, public get_draw_border plt_get_draw_border
 Gets a value determining if the border should be drawn.
procedure, public set_draw_border plt_set_draw_border
 Sets a value determining if the border should be drawn.
procedure, public push_label plt_push_label
 Adds a label to the plot.
procedure, public pop_label plt_pop_label
 Removes the last label from the plot.
procedure, public get_label plt_get_label
 Gets the requested plot_label from the plot.
procedure, public set_label plt_set_label
 Sets the specified plot_label object.
procedure, public get_label_count plt_get_label_count
 Gets the number of plot_label objects belonging to the plot.
procedure, public clear_all_labels plt_clear_labels
 Clears all plot_label objects from the plot.
procedure, public get_axis_equal plt_get_axis_equal
 Gets a flag determining if the axes should be equally scaled.
procedure, public set_axis_equal plt_set_axis_equal
 Sets a flag determining if the axes should be equally scaled.
procedure, public get_colormap plt_get_colormap
 Gets a pointer to the colormap object.
procedure, public set_colormap plt_set_colormap
 Sets the colormap object.
procedure, public get_show_colorbar plt_get_show_colorbar
 Gets a value determining if the colorbar should be shown.
procedure, public set_show_colorbar plt_set_show_colorbar
 Sets a value determining if the colorbar should be shown.
procedure, public push_arrow plt_push_arrow
 Pushes a new plot_arrow object onto the plot.
procedure, public pop_arrow plt_pop_arrow
 Pops a plot_arrow object from the plot.
procedure, public get_arrow plt_get_arrow
 Gets a pointer to the requested plot_arrow object.
procedure, public set_arrow plt_set_arrow
 Sets a plot_arrow into the plot.
procedure, public get_arrow_count plt_get_arrow_count
 Gets the number of plot_arrow objects held by the plot object.
procedure, public clear_arrows plt_clear_arrows
 Clears all plot_arrow objects from the plot.

Public Attributes

type(y_axis), pointer m_yaxis => null()
 The y-axis.
type(z_axis), pointer m_zaxis => null()
 The z-axis.
real(real64) m_elevation = 60.0d0
 The elevation angle.
real(real64) m_azimuth = 30.0d0
 The azimuth.
logical m_zintersect = .true.
 Z-axis intersect X-Y plane?
logical m_setmap = .false.
 Set map projection.
integer(int32) m_csys = COORDINATES_CARTESIAN
 Plot coordinate system.
- Public Attributes inherited from fplot_core::plot
logical m_hastitle = .false.
 Has a title?
class(terminal), pointer m_terminal => null()
 The GNUPLOT terminal object to target.
type(list) m_data
 A collection of plot_data items to plot.
type(legend), pointer m_legend => null()
 The legend.
logical m_showgrid = .true.
 Show grid lines?
logical m_ticsin = .true.
 Point tic marks in?
logical m_drawborder = .true.
 Draw the border?
type(list) m_labels
 A collection of plot_label items to draw.
integer(int32) m_colorindex = 1
 The color index to use for automatic line coloring for scatter plots.
logical m_axisequal = .false.
 Determines if the axes should be scaled proportionally.
class(colormap), pointer m_colormap
 The colormap.
logical m_showcolorbar = .true.
 Show the colorbar?
type(list) m_arrows
 A collection of plot_arrow items to draw.

Private Attributes

type(x_axis), pointer m_xaxis => null()
 The x-axis.

Detailed Description

A plot object defining a 3D plot.

Definition at line 5032 of file fplot_core.f90.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ p3d_clean_up()

final fplot_core::plot_3d::p3d_clean_up

Cleans up resources held by the plot_3d object.

[in,out]thisThe plot_3d object.

Definition at line 5054 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ get_azimuth()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_azimuth

Gets the plot azimuth angle.

real(real64) function get_azimuth(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
The azimuth angle, in degrees.

Definition at line 5149 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_command_string()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_command_string

Gets the GNUPLOT command string to represent this plot_3d object.

character(len = :) function, allocatable get_command_string(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
The command string.

Reimplemented from fplot_core::plot.

Reimplemented in fplot_core::surface_plot.

Definition at line 5089 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_coordinate_system()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_coordinate_system

Gets a value determining the coordinate system.

pure integer(int32) function get_coordinate_system(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
The coordinate system ID, which must be one of the following.

Definition at line 5218 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_elevation()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_elevation

Gets the plot elevation angle.

real(real64) function get_elevation(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
The elevation angle, in degrees.

Definition at line 5129 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_use_map_view()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_use_map_view

Gets a value determining if the view should be set to a 2D map view. If true, the azimuth and elevation terms are ignored.

pure logical function get_use_map_view(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
Returns true if the map view will be used; else, false.

Definition at line 5194 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_x_axis()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_x_axis

Gets the x-axis object.

class(plot_axis) function, pointer get_x_axis(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
A pointer to the x-axis object.

Definition at line 5099 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_y_axis()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_y_axis

Gets the y-axis object.

class(plot_axis) function, pointer get_y_axis(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
A pointer to the y-axis object.

Definition at line 5109 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_z_axis()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_z_axis

Gets the z-axis object.

class(plot_axis) function, pointer get_z_axis(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
A pointer to the z-axis object.

Definition at line 5119 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ get_z_intersect_xy()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::get_z_intersect_xy

Gets a value determining if the z-axis should intersect the x-y plane.

pure logical function get_z_intersect_xy(class(plot_3d) this)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
Returns true if the z-axis should intersect the x-y plane; else, false to allow the z-axis to float.

Definition at line 5171 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ initialize()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::initialize

Initializes the plot_3d object.

subroutine initialize(class(plot_3d) this, optional integer(int32) term, optional class(errors) err)
[in]thisThe plot_3d object.
[in]termAn optional input that is used to define the terminal. The default terminal is a WXT terminal. The acceptable inputs are:
[in]fnameA filename to pass to the terminal in the event the terminal is a file type (e.g. GNUPLOT_TERMINAL_PNG).
[out]errAn optional errors-based object that if provided can be used to retrieve information relating to any errors encountered during execution. If not provided, a default implementation of the errors class is used internally to provide error handling. Possible errors and warning messages that may be encountered are as follows.
  • PLOT_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR: Occurs if insufficient memory is available.

Definition at line 5078 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_azimuth()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::set_azimuth

Sets the plot azimuth angle.

subroutine set_azimuth(class(plot_3d) this, real(real64) x)
[in,out]thisThe plot_3d object.
[in]xThe azimuth angle, in degrees.

Definition at line 5159 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_coordinate_system()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::set_coordinate_system

Sets a value determining the coordinate system.

subroutine set_coordinate_system(class(plot_3d) this, integer(int32) x)
[in,out]thisThe plot_3d object.
[in]xThe coordinate system ID, which must be one of the following.

Definition at line 5232 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_elevation()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::set_elevation

Sets the plot elevation angle.

subroutine set_elevation(class(plot_3d) this, real(real64) x)
[in,out]thisThe plot_3d object.
[in]xThe elevation angle, in degrees.

Definition at line 5139 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_use_map_view()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::set_use_map_view

Sets a value determining if the view should be set to a 2D map view. If true, the azimuth and elevation terms are ignored.

subroutine set_use_map_view(class(plot_3d) this, logical x)
[in,out]thisThe plot_3d object.
[in]xReturns true if the map view will be used; else, false.

Definition at line 5205 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ set_z_intersect_xy()

procedure, public fplot_core::plot_3d::set_z_intersect_xy

Sets a value determining if the z-axis should intersect the x-y plane.

subroutine set_z_intersect_xy(class(plot_3d) this, logical x)
[in,out]thisThe plot_3d object.
[in]xSet to true if the z-axis should intersect the x-y plane; else, false to allow the z-axis to float.

Definition at line 5183 of file fplot_core.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_azimuth

real(real64) fplot_core::plot_3d::m_azimuth = 30.0d0

The azimuth.

Definition at line 5043 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_csys

integer(int32) fplot_core::plot_3d::m_csys = COORDINATES_CARTESIAN

Plot coordinate system.

Definition at line 5049 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_elevation

real(real64) fplot_core::plot_3d::m_elevation = 60.0d0

The elevation angle.

Definition at line 5041 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_setmap

logical fplot_core::plot_3d::m_setmap = .false.

Set map projection.

Definition at line 5047 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_xaxis

type(x_axis), pointer fplot_core::plot_3d::m_xaxis => null()

The x-axis.

Definition at line 5035 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_yaxis

type(y_axis), pointer fplot_core::plot_3d::m_yaxis => null()

The y-axis.

Definition at line 5037 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_zaxis

type(z_axis), pointer fplot_core::plot_3d::m_zaxis => null()

The z-axis.

Definition at line 5039 of file fplot_core.f90.

◆ m_zintersect

logical fplot_core::plot_3d::m_zintersect = .true.

Z-axis intersect X-Y plane?

Definition at line 5045 of file fplot_core.f90.

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