
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
assignment(=) linalg_sparse Interface
band_diag_mtx_mult linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the banded diagonal matrix multiplication routines.

band_mtx_mult linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the banded matrix multiplication routines.

band_mtx_to_full_mtx linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the banded matrix to full matrix conversion routines.

banded_to_csr linalg_sparse Function

Converts a banded matrix to a CSR matrix.

banded_to_dense linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the banded to dense matrix conversion routines.

cholesky_factor linalg_cholesky Interface
cholesky_rank1_downdate linalg_cholesky Interface
cholesky_rank1_update linalg_cholesky Interface
create_csr_matrix linalg_sparse Function

Creates a CSR matrix from the input data.

create_empty_csr_matrix linalg_sparse Function

Creates an empty CSR matrix.

create_empty_msr_matrix linalg_sparse Function

Creates an empty MSR matrix.

csr_to_dense linalg_sparse Subroutine

Converts a CSR matrix to a dense matrix.

csr_to_msr linalg_sparse Function

Converts a CSR matrix to an MSR matrix.

dense_to_banded linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the dense to banded matrix conversion routines.

dense_to_csr linalg_sparse Function

Converts a dense matrix to a CSR matrix.

dense_to_msr linalg_sparse Function

Converts a dense matrix to an MSR matrix.

det linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the determinant routines.

diag_mtx_mult linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the diagonal matrix multiplication routines.

diag_to_csr linalg_sparse Function

Converts a diagonal matrix to a CSR matrix.

eigen linalg_eigen Interface

An interface to the eigenvalue and eigenvector routines.

extract_diagonal linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the diagonal extraction routines.

form_lq linalg_lq Interface
form_lu linalg_lu Interface
form_qr linalg_qr Interface
lq_factor linalg_lq Interface
lu_factor linalg_lu Interface
matmul linalg_sparse Interface
msr_to_csr linalg_sparse Function

Converts an MSR matrix to a CSR matrix.

msr_to_dense linalg_sparse Subroutine

Converts an MSR matrix to a dense matrix.

mtx_inverse linalg_inverse Interface
mtx_mult linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the matrix multiplication routines.

mtx_pinverse linalg_inverse Interface
mtx_rank linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the matrix rank routines.

mult_lq linalg_lq Interface
mult_qr linalg_qr Interface
mult_rz linalg_rz Interface
nonzero_count linalg_sparse Interface
operator(*) linalg_sparse Interface
operator(+) linalg_sparse Interface
operator(-) linalg_sparse Interface
operator(/) linalg_sparse Interface
pgmres_solver linalg_sparse Interface
qr_factor linalg_qr Interface
qr_rank1_update linalg_qr Interface
rank1_update linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the rank-1 update routines.

recip_mult_array linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the reciprocal multiplication routines.

report_array_size_error linalg_errors Subroutine

Reports an array size error.

report_inner_matrix_dimension_error linalg_errors Subroutine

Reports an inner matrix dimension error.

report_matrix_size_error linalg_errors Subroutine

Reports a matrix size error.

report_memory_error linalg_errors Subroutine

Reports a memory allocation error.

report_singular_matrix_warning linalg_errors Subroutine

Reports a singular matrix error.

report_square_matrix_error linalg_errors Subroutine

Reports an error where a square matrix was expected but a non-square matrix was provided.

rz_factor linalg_rz Interface
size linalg_sparse Interface
solve_cholesky linalg_cholesky Interface
solve_least_squares linalg_least_squares Interface
solve_least_squares_full linalg_least_squares Interface
solve_least_squares_svd linalg_least_squares Interface
solve_lq linalg_lq Interface
solve_lu linalg_lu Interface
solve_qr linalg_qr Interface
solve_triangular_system linalg_tri Interface
sort linalg_sorting Interface

An interface to the sorting routines.

sparse_direct_solve linalg_sparse Interface
svd linalg_svd Interface
swap linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the swap routines.

trace linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the trace routines.

transpose linalg_sparse Interface
tri_mtx_mult linalg_basic Interface

An interface to the triangular matrix multiplication routines.