program example
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
type(fcn1var_helper) :: obj
procedure(fcn1var), pointer :: fcn
type(newton_1var_solver) :: solver
real(real64) :: x, f
type(value_pair) :: limits
type(iteration_behavior) :: tracking
limits%x1 = 2.0d0
limits%x2 = -2.0d0
fcn => fcn1
call obj%set_fcn(fcn)
call solver%set_print_status(.true.)
call solver%solve(obj, x, limits, f, ib = tracking)
print *, ""
print '(AF7.5)', "The solution: ", x
print '(AE10.3)', "The residual: ", f
print '(AI0)', "Iterations: ", tracking%iter_count
print '(AI0)', "Function Evaluations: ", tracking%fcn_count
print '(AI0)', "Derivative Evaluations: ", tracking%jacobian_count
print '(AL1)', "Converge on Function Value: ", tracking%converge_on_fcn
print '(AL1)', "Converge on Change in Variable: ", tracking%converge_on_chng
print '(AL1)', "Converge on Derivative: ", tracking%converge_on_zero_diff
function fcn1(x) result(f)
real(real64), intent(in) :: x
real(real64) :: f
f = x**3 - 2.0d0 * x - 1.0d0
end function
end program
The above program produces the following output. Iteration: 1
Function Evaluations: 4
Jacobian Evaluations: 2
Change in Variable: 0.500E+00
Residual: -.125E+00
Iteration: 2
Function Evaluations: 5
Jacobian Evaluations: 3
Change in Variable: 0.125E+01
Residual: -.208E+01
Iteration: 3
Function Evaluations: 6
Jacobian Evaluations: 4
Change in Variable: 0.625E+00
Residual: -.115E+01
Iteration: 4
Function Evaluations: 7
Jacobian Evaluations: 5
Change in Variable: -.313E+00
Residual: 0.436E+00
Iteration: 5
Function Evaluations: 8
Jacobian Evaluations: 6
Change in Variable: 0.665E-01
Residual: 0.221E-01
Iteration: 6
Function Evaluations: 9
Jacobian Evaluations: 7
Change in Variable: 0.375E-02
Residual: 0.685E-04
The solution: 1.61803
The residual: 0.665E-09
Iterations: 7
Function Evaluations: 11
Derivative Evaluations: 8
Converge on Function Value: T
Converge on Change in Variable: F
Converge on Derivative: F